We are now stocking PRIME 100:
Visit our salon and grab this premium 90% protein diet in slow cooked, airdried, rolls or treats.

Pricing September 2024.

Weight Guide
This is a guide only; height and coat condition are also considered in pricing.
S 0- 10kg Cavaliers, Maltese, Pomeranians
M 10.1- 20kg Standard Schnauzer, Cocker Spaniels

All Clips include Bath, Dry, Brush, Nail Trim and File, Ear Clean and Spray of Cologne

Introduction Puppy Tidy (3-5 months old)
First visit only. Must have milk teeth.
Includes nail trim and file, ear clean, bath, dry, tidy face and hygiene areas, trim ears and tail ( no length off body)
Puppy $65

Short Coat, Bath and Dry
(Chihuahuas, Pugs etc)
Includes nail trim and file, ear clean, bath, dry
Small $35
Medium $40

Short Coat, Full Deshed
(Chihuahuas, Pugs etc)
Includes nail trim, file, ear clean, bath, dry, brush out of undercoat

Small $50
Medium $55

Medium to Long Coat, Bath and Dry
(oodles and poodles, maltese, etc)
Includes nail trim and file, ear clean, bath and fluff dry
Small from $40
Medium from $55

Tidy Up
(Visits over 6 weeks may automatically become a full groom service)
Includes nail trim and file, ear clean, bath, dry, tidy face and hygiene areas, trim ears and tail (no length off body)
Small from $70
Medium from $80

Full Groom Summer Cut
Coat clipped short and teddy face. Between 2mm- 9.5mm/ 10, 7, 5, 4 Blade
Includes nail trim and file, ear clean, bath, dry, tidy face and hygiene areas, trim ears, tail and length off body
Small $85
Medium $95

Full Groom Breed or Style Cut
Long coat clip and breed specific clips. Between 1cm-2.5cm/ 3-8 Comb
Includes nail trim and file, ear clean, bath, dry, tidy face and hygiene areas, trim ears, tail and length off body
Small $95
Medium $105

Double Coat, Full Deshed (VIP 4 weeks or less price)
Includes nail trim, file, ear clean, bath, dry, brush out of undercoat, remove matting behind ears
Small $70
Medium $90

Double Coat, Full Deshed With Tidy Up (VIP 4 weekly or less price)
Includes nail trim, file, ear clean, bath, dry, brush out of undercoat, remove matting behind ears, trim to hygiene areas, ears, tail, furnishings and pants
Small $90
Medium $110

Double Coat (More than 4 weeks)
$100 per hour
+ $20 with tidy

Hand Stripping
(Wire hair Coat)
Only available on an annual schedule between 4-6 weekly.
$150 fixed price.

All cat grooms include Nail Trim. We do not offer sedation for any pets. Cat Grooming is not suitable for aggressive cats at our salon. If hissing and swiping occur when being groomed by their owners, they will most likely not let us groom them. If this is this case, you can discuss further options with your local Vet Clinic.

Get your cat on a schedule and get a full service bath, dry, brushout, lion clip or style clip for:

Cat 4 weekly maintenance $ 120

Cat 8 weekly maintenance $160

Casual cat pricing $200

Extras and Surcharges

Nail Trim and File $20
Internal Anal Glands $20
Poodle Feet $10

Hygiene Only $10
Paw Tidy $10
Colour- Nail Polish $15
Colour- Paws, Tail or Ears $25 each
Fleas Shampoo and Salon Treatment $20
Matting $10-30

Difficult Dog Fee $20
Day Stay 3.5hrs plus $30